Archivi del mese
The bravery of solidarity, the history of Komera Rwanda Onlus
The importance of a greeting and a “message” at the end of a hard workday, overpassing difficulties and emergencies are clear warning of “prosperity”, of “future”. Therefore we know the Association Komera Rwanda Onlus from Genova in a very difficult time for the Ligurian county seat. The meaning of its name, bravery, wants to be … Continua a leggere >>
Toujours en marchant … Tujye Mu Rwanda
Est-ce que vous vous souvenez la traduction de marchons en Hindi? C’est à nous de vous le dire?? Le mot c’est Yatra. Aujourd’hui Xlestrade rencontre un autre “marchons” mais en KinyaRwanda. On va rencontrer l’Association Tujye Mu Rwanda, qui se traduit “marchons ensemble pour le Rwanda”. Le nom de l’Association a été choisi parce que, … Continua a leggere >>
Along villages and among brothers, Come Noi Onlus’ multiple ways
“Every village is my village. Every man is my brother”. To talk about this Association we decided to start from the bottom, the message. The sentence they leave us comes from Padre Codello and it is a lasting-long message born in the ‘60s. Xlestrade met Piero Caciargli and his wife Franca Viola, members of the … Continua a leggere >>