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Africa Milele Onlus

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Contact Person: Lilian Sora; Telephone Number: +39 3482421299; E-mail:;

We met, xlestrade of Turin, Lilian and Sora and Luca Lombardi, currently President and Secretary of the Association Africa Milele Onlus, as well as husband and wife in their life.

2013-09-09 18.46.17Africa Milele is an association funded in Fano Pesaro and Urbino province, in Marche region, on September 9th , 2012.
They had this idea after their honeymoon in Kenya, in 2009.
Indeed, they could know new people and friends, which made them decide, after several discussions, to be active in doing something for that country, to which they felt particularly devoted.
Emotional bonds are …milele…that is to say for ever in Swahili language

Before funding the association, they studied and developed the path to undertake, involving also Lilian’s parents and friends.

Lilian told to Xlestrade that this project has been chosen and decided after other travels to Kenya and the meeting with Salvatore Fabrizio, President of the Association Karibu Onlus in Milan, who has been firstly e-mailed and consequently contacted.

Karibu Onlus works in Kenya, at Chakama, which is 70 Km far from Malindi, in the west part of the African country.
Africa Milele projects are focused towards Chakama community, in collaboration, even if independent at the same time, with Karibu Onlus.
Their aim is to make this community self sufficient.
In Malindi there is a headquarter, representing the point of reference for the moving, the internet access and an intermediate stop over from the city of Mombasa.

The main mission is the building of an orphanage, housing 24 orphan children (of both parents). These children could receive some health care and have the chance to be put into scholastic programs according to their learning abilities, thanks also to a distance adoption project.
A photovoltaic system, to obviate the total lack of electric energy, has been designed and is about to be installed within the structure.2013-08-03 10.36.13
Children will be able to live in the house probably at the end of 2013. Staff is totally native.
Lilian and Luca told us something particular about this house. It has been named Mvua Bahati, standing for lucky rain in Swahili language, as when they saw the land for the first time it rained, which is a lucky symbol in African culture.
Presently in Kenya there is an Italian boy, Ivan Gidiuli, managing and following all the activities since the end of July.

Xlestrade asked them for their future missions.
They would like them to be autonomous. Thus, they bought the material for the construction of a wood oven thanks to the help of some volunteers (belonging to both associations) who went to Kenya in summer 2013. The wood oven is an important future resource for all the community and a first important step towards the independence mentioned above.

Several activities have been organized also in Italy, for example competitions, parties and other fund-raising events. The association started some connections with companies and institutions and to work in Fano schools.

Xlestrade asked them how to collaborate with the association.
You could get in touch with Lilian and contribute both through the paying of the membership fee and through an active help in activities development. It is also possible to do some experience in loco. Groups leaving to Kenya are made by 8 people maximum and the journey can be organized at whatever time of the year.

In the end we asked for a message to tell us.
Lilian and Luca chose a sentence said by Ivan, describing Africa Milele history very well.
Chakama is the heart speaking to the reason.”

Xlestrade is thanking them for this meeting and for their involving in our project
We knew casually, we must admit, x le strade of Facebook, but it is nice to imagine we should have met even without this chance!!!
Have a nice journey, milele !!!

