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Angalia Onlus


Contact Person: Benedetta Schiavone; Telephone Number: +39 3337914678;

12290614_10206832600305892_1584465318_o-1We have met four on seven guys who have instituted Angalia Onlus, a no-profit Association, situated in Torino.
Angalia‘s been officially registered on July 2015.
They told us that Angalia Onlus was born after different trips and volunteering experiences during 2013 and 2014, in which Francesca Bosia, Giulia Boccaccini and Chiara Beltramino took part.
In 2013 Francesca and Giulia went for the first time to Mtwapa, a village not so far from Mombasa, in Kenya where they volunteered in a Nursery School. One year later, Giulia came back there together with another group of people, in which Chiara was. This time they found the Nursery School closed. Indeed, the local community asked them to be supported in order to open the school again and to carry all the educational activities on.
When Giulia and Chiara came back to Italy, they decided to create and establish an Association, getting other friends involved in this project. Most of these young women study Anthropology, Intercultural Studies and Education.

In Swahili language “Angalia” means to look, to gaze and to observe and even to imagine and to dream. The roof of the verb “Anga” means sky and light. So the term “Angalia” has been chosen because it represents its looks on the reality and on the variables which reality consists of.

Angalia Onlus is involved in a project about the community development in Kenya. The activities are focused on12311600_10206832601985934_225192667_o the growth of the individual resources and on the creativity, in a context where relationships are based on trust and directness.
The view of the Association is based on the idea of a mutual exchange and on the concept of individual plurality.
Now the project Angalia Onlus carries on is about the realisation of a museum about the community. It hosts a multi-purpose centre, a place where there will be ludic-recreational workshops addressed to every school of Mtwapa village. The aim is to increase the number of opportunities their educational curriculum gives the children, through practical activities held by members of the Community.
As they told us, the project is realised according to the context and the local needs. They asked for the community agreement and approval. The community of Mtwapa is going to establish itself in an CBO (Community Committee).

Angalia Onlus yearns for making this project independent from the italian Association, able to support itself without any help from outside.
Currently, the Association provides scolarships for those children who have got huge financial difficulties.

In Italy, Angalia Onlus have realised some events for making itself known as an Association and for fundraising activities. Shortly, they will have a website that now it is in progress.
10974752_10205633059603578_3934767892868887055_oThe association is available to accept new volunteers and founds in order to help Angalia Onlus to sustain the project and to growth more and more.

The message they want to pass us is: “we believe that where your life path starts shouldn’t determine where your journey ends”.

Xlestrade thanks Angalia Onlus for contacting us, for its friendship and for its passion shown in our project! We wish them a very long journey, rich in emotions and adventures, loving light on the sky of Kenya!
Traduzione a cura di Elisa D’Amico