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Cam To Me Onlus

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Contact Person: Amabile Villa; Telephone Number: +39 3349410910; E-mail:;

Xlestrade met Gabriella Lorenzi and Giorgio Farao, Cam To Me Onlus contact people, an Association set in Busto Arsizio (VA).
Foto 4 CambogiaCam To Me Onlus was born in 2006 following the long experience of the Laic Mission Community of Legnano, a community connected to the PIME and made up by missionaries directly focused on foreign projects.
Cam To Me Onlus is an evolution that was born from the necessity to give more autonomy and independence to the entire experience, by carrying on the existing projects and by starting new ones.

The name was chosen because CAM are the 3 starting letter of the Countries’ names the Association is working in from the beginning (Camerun and Cambodia) and want’s to recall the proximity idea of the English come.

The projects the Association is supporting are all realized by paying attention at the single person and at the environment this person live in. The main point is to research a better standard of living for the people they meet, even out of Italy. The projects see a big participation of local labor, developing the educational dimension and focusing on the local initiatives by valuing the existing and not focusing on realizing big structures.

In Cambodia the projects started 20 years ago.
At the moment there are two missionaries on the field and the main projects going on are:Foto 5 Cambogia
– A center for disabled people in the village of Kompong Chhnang, in collaboration with New Humanity (PIME’ NGO);
– Two hostels for sick people in the main town Phnom Penh, in collaboration with the local church;
– A young center for the Saint Paul University students as an aggregation place where the thought of the students can be developed.

In Camerun, the association has been financing three different projects for a decade:
– Health education and fight to malnutrition campaigns in the village of Garoua in the north of the Country;
– Fight to AIDS actions through awareness and patient management education;
– Alphabetization project in the Garoua jail.

Foto 3 CamerunCam To Me Onlus has been working for three years in Perù, in the Huacho church, to develop a rehabilitation project for disabled people.

More support is given to other projects, associations and single interventions on the field, following the actual needs as well as the existing collaboration with other Associations in Italy and in other operative Countries.

In a future perspective, the main objective is to follow up with the present projects and, at the same time, to evaluate other new opportunities.

In Italy, Cam To Me Onlus organizes very different events, occasions to develop people knowledge and educational paths.
Who will be interested to contribute to the activities of the Association can contact and give his availability. The possibility of a collaboration on the field should be developed together.

The message of Gabriella and Giorgio represents the value of their way to work and act: “ The important is the centrality of people, other than the specific environment. The objective is to give, or to give back to them their dignity”.

Xlestrade wants to thank all Cam To Me Onlus friends for accepting our friendship and for meeting us! We will meet again!

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Traduzione a cura di Monica Zambon