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Ngoma Kids

logo in lavorazione no sungrandeContact Person: Anna Baral; Telephone Number: +39 3386029347; e-mail:;

Xlestrade met Anna Baral, who presently represents Ngoma Kids in Italy.

IMG_7757Ngoma Kids is an association approved and registered in 2012 in Uganda as Community Based Organization (CBO).

Ngoma stands for “drum” in many bantu languages, among which Luganda, spoken in central Uganda. The drum, Anna told us, is a power symbol in many areas of Africa.
The project ensues the meeting she had with the current Ugandan responsible, Jonathan Mugenyi.
Indeed Anna did a part of her university thesis about music and African traditional musicians in Kampala, Uganda capital city. Jonathan, presently employed at Ugandan Board of supervisor, knew her as he really is a musician and a teacher.

The project they created, active from 2011, is oriented towards kids and adolescents facing difficult social conditions of Gayaza, a village placed near Kampala, consisting in teaching them Ugandan local tradition music, songs and instruments. Courses are held by expert Ugandan teachers , who are volunteers, and the kids participating in (presently 30), are chosen according to their complicated family economic condition, rather than according to their artistic skills.

The main goal, besides appraising the artistic aspect and the expressive abilities, is to help marginalized children in learning their self-esteem.IMG_7805
For this reason, performances at a local guest house are organized in order to educate kids in making shows in front of a real audience, winning their insecurities.
Other courses have been organizing through time, such as IT or camera courses.
By the next months they are going to organize western and rock music campus and workshops, thanks to expatriates involvement.

A video has been realized, Ngoma Kids, our way to say thank you.
Among future projects they would like to start relationships and collaborations with European artists with the aim of popularize the different cultures in a equal relationship, based on the exchange.

Anna, in Italy, helped by friends and thanks to the support of Turi Kumve Onlus Association and in collaboration with Amanipi Project, is doing fundraising and selling of local craft products made by a cooperative of Ugandan women. Through the fundraising they were able to pay a part of scholastic taxes of kids involved in this project.
Christian Crudo is managing the association website, the advertising spread and the logistics.
However they are all Ugandan and there are 5 people working on the project.
It is possible, for everyone who wishes to, to visit the project in loco, besides to support them through social profiles and economic contributions.

Xlestrade asked her to leave us a message.
She told us that: “for our happiness it is not important our origin, rather than our goals.”

We thank Anna for this interview and her friendship!!! Our bag, which is now heavier, is holding Ngoma!! We will learn how to play it x le strade we will walk through and to which we want to arrive!!!


