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One Love Onlus

Contact Person: Giacomo Simonini; E-mail:;

We met Giacomo Simonini, the President and Charter member of One Love Onlus, that seats in Agliana (Pistoia).
pic05One Love Onlus was officially built in January 2010, as a consequence of Giacomo’s trip in Africa, where he visited the states of Benin, Togo, Burkina Faso, Mali and Senegal. He decided to hold his trip memories in a book called “4786 km” that is exactly the distance he walked through in the African country.
One Love Onlus was born from Giacomo’s ideas and with the support of his friends, all with the passion for basketball and a past in the game.

The name came from a Bob Marley’ song, his favorite singer.

One Love Onlus works both in India and in Senegal.
In India it works to finance the studies of 40 children from Calcutta and Midnapore, in the West Bengala. Other funds are delivered on local necessities.
In Senegal it works in Pikine Darou Khoudoss and in Yene.
The Association financed the building and the restoration of the local schools, it purchased medicines and helped foto One Love Onlusbuilding the maternity division at the local hospital. A program for distance support has been activated in the educational and medical sector.
In partnership with two Associations in Rome, Energia per i diritti umani Onlus and Diritti al cuore Onlus, it is financing the construction of a shelter home in Pikine Icotaf to host any deprived child.

Xlestrade asked them about their future projects.
The first scheduled project is the finalization of the shelter home and its maintenance.
Really new is their collaboration with the Association La Casa di Ibrahima Onlus that is developing new projects to help street-children (talibé).

In Italy One Love Onlus acts on the territory of Pistoia; they organize events and other awareness and fundraising campaigns, thanks to the help of some local basketball teams.
Who would like to volunteer with the Association can directly take contact with Giacomo.
With One Love Onlus it is possible to volunteer on the field or by the ethical tourism.

The message that Giacomo wants to leave to our friends comes from the text of a Jovanotti’s song:
“I would like to see our African brothers respect Italian brothers and see the Italian brothers respect the African ones…”.

We thanks One Love Onlus they accept our friendship! Let’s share the dream and the music! The notes of “one love” are part of our path!


Traduzione a cura di Monica Zambon