Contact Person: Antonio Dematteis; Telephone Number: +39 3485850700; E-mail:;
We have met Emanuela Vironda and Ramona Marchetto, members of One World Onlus, at Oglianico, a little town near Torino.
They told us about the association and its history. The association was founded by its current president, Antonio Dematteis, in 2010.
Antonio is a doctor and he had got the opportunity to join several volunteering projects and religious missions in different developing Countries.
One World was born with the aim to support a school in a Salesian mission. He met the Salesian Sisters in Temeke area at Dar Er Salaam, in Tanzania.
The name One World wants to evoke an idea of union between Italy and Tanzania.
During these first years of activities One World Onlus restructured the Primary School in Temeke. The inauguration took place on the 24th May 2014. The association is currently building the canteen.
One World Onlus also supports 17 children and 2 classes through distance support.
They have an income generating project, CreditOne.
It is addressed to 50 women with financial difficulties.The association lends them some money. The aim is to make a social pressure, in term of promoting investments in productive and income activities.
The distribution of money occurs after a training about basic enterprise. Further loans are supplied only if the woman has returned the previous amount of money.
Xlestrade asked One World Onlus what the future activities will be.
They are thinking about a health and food project. The project will support 200 families for 18 months. Attending a training about health knowledge and a doctor visit are the conditions to benefit this support.
As they told us, education, trainings and prevention are the guidelines and all the tools which the association projects are based on.
The local activities, in Tanzania, are supervised and managed by local coordinators who join the association One World Tanzania.
In Italy the association plans events and meetings for fundraising.
There is an awareness project addressed to several italian Primary Schools. Different Primary Schools from Santena join a project called Amici di Pennarello (“Felt tips’ friends”). It consists of an exchange of drawings between the Italian children and the Tanzanian ones. One World Onlus realized a calendar with all these drawings in december 2013. The proceeds have been donated to the Giglio Onlus association and to its activities helping the families with a child admitted to Regina Margherita hospital, the child care hospital in Torino.
We have asked to the association further information for whom would be interested to volunteer and work together with them. They are open to new people and new offers. The group has becoming wider and wider during the years, joined and supported by many partners and friends. One World Onlus has already planned some group trips in order to allow some members to travel and visit, maybe for the first time, a developing Country and to visit and check the projects.
The association is available and open to proposals for possible missions in loco.
Xlestrade asked them a meaningful sentence before saying goodbye to one another. The message is a slogan in Swahili language. It has been chosen by the women supported by the microcredit project.
This is the motto: “Kama tukiwezeshwa tunaweza!”, that means “If you make us stronger, we can make it!”.
We want to thank One World Onlus for the meeting and its sincere friendship. We wish them to make it truly!