Contact Person: Francesca Patti; Telephone Number: +39 3496851610; E-mail:;
Facebook Page: TowardsAnotherWorldOnlus
The paths of the associations may be more or less tortuous, but the importance of each of these is given solely by the fixed goal.
The goal of Towards Another World Onlus is very clear and it is inherent in the name of the Association: “to another world” where “other” should be understood in the positive sense of “different” that tends outward to others.
We met Francesca Patti, Barbara Gandolfi and Sara Pavone, the current management committee of the association, to tell us the story of Towards Another World Onlus (TAW), an association in the location of Borgaro, officially founded on December 1st, 2010.
The person who thought about this project was Matthew Mannucci, a young medical student who, after a volunteer experience in Kenya in 2010, was able to gather a group of young friends with the common goal of creating an association that could operate in support of some reality in developing countries and involving young people with different skills, but similar interests.
The initial draft of TAW Onlus was in fact to support the activities of two associations, Mondéco Onlus in Kenya, in the village of Sololo, and the Indian Institute for Mother and Child (IIMC) in India, in the outskirts of Calcutta.
In Kenya, TAW Onlus dealt with the problem “drought emergency” in 2011, organizing a fundraiser to support the local population affected by such disasters.
In India today TAW Onlus is supporting the IIMC with fundraising activities for the purchase of school supplies for the Nurpur Primary School.
After a first phase of work aimed toward foreign countries, partly as a result of a change in the people participating in the life of the association and their inner reflection, TAW Onlus began to concentrate and focus its activities more towards the social reality Turin.
All the activities of the last years of TAW Onlus have been organized in this direction, which list is the following:
– 27th March 2011: TAW participates in the project ” Migrant Woman: Agent of health”, organized by the consortium of ONG of Piemonte, aimed at the promotion of women as agents of health in migrant communities in the Turin area;
– July 1st, 2011: the first edition of ” Barter Market,” accompanied by an aperitif and the screening of the documentary “African Time” of Corrado Iannelli on African history of immigration in Turin; the material collected was donated to the Association Senegalese of Turin for the benefit of health facilities Pikine, Malika, Yeumbeul and Keur Massar;
– December 3rd, 2011: “Obiettivamente 1″, TAW social photographic marathon;
– 17th December 2011: second edition of the ” Barter Market” with a collection of material in favor of the association Gruppo Abele for the Crisis Center of Via Pacini 18;
– June 8th, 2012: “NamasTAW” Indian charity dinner in favor of IIMC, organized to raise funds for the school Nurpur;
– 21st October 2012: “Obiettivamente 2”, the second edition of the photographic marathon;
– 13th December 2012: “AperiTAW” pre-Christmas aperitif with fundraiser in favor of the Civil Protection of Turin for cold emergency for the homeless.;
– 21st March 2013: “Cocktails with the Unseen”; screening of the short film “Invisible”, a film dedicated to all mafia victims, but also to all those ordinary people, the invisible, that on a daily basis with their small gestures help to combat the mafia culture;
– 22nd May 2013: “NamasTaw 2,” Indian charity dinner on the occasion of the “Sujit tour in 2013,” the Italian tour of IIMC president; fundraiser for the school of Nurpur;
– December 18th: “Aperibenefit for refugees occupying the ExMOI” on the occasion of the International Day of Migrants and Third Global Day of Action for the Rights of Migrants, Refugees and Displaced Persons; cocktail party organized together with friends of Convergence Culture at the Humanist House.
To date, the main goal of TAW Onlus is to raise awareness and promotion in the field of multicultural integration.
Xlestrade asked them for their future plans.
In the immediate TAW Onlus is organizing the dinner of sharing in February, the social photographic marathon in March, a film festival of short films / documentaries in the social scheduled for April / May 2014.
Even long-term projects are many, but to avoid bad luck, I prefer not to talk about it.
We asked for information for those interested to cooperate with the association. We have been told that they are extremely available to new people willing to give their contribution to the realization of the promoted initiatives.
Their message to the readers of Xlestrade is a sentence of Indro Montanelli: “Strive always for the things in which you believe. You will lose, as I lost them, all the battles. Only one you can win: the one you do every morning when you shave in the mirror. If you can watch it without blushing, you can be satisfied”.
We thank them for accepting our friendship. Our journey “towards another world”, “out” goes on and it’s nice to do it with more and more friends to meet by the way !!